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Bulgarian Posts保加利亚邮政单号查询 Bulgarian Posts PLC is the principal postal operator

来源:网络 浏览次数:253次 发布时间:2017-12-14

Bulgarian Posts保加利亚邮政单号查询 Bulgarian Posts PLC is the principal postal operator and through its network of nearly 3000 post offices covering the whole territory of the country it provides to its customers an abundant variety of postal and commercial services.

保加利亚邮政(Bulgarian Posts)单号查询说明



After the Russo-Turkish Liberation War (1877-1879), the Provisional Russian Administration handed over all postal and telegraph offices together with all their equipment and facilities to the Bulgarian authorities.

1879. The total number of PTT offices was 41.

1879. The first Bulgarian postage stamps, known as “”centimes”, came into use, because due to the lack of Bulgarian national currency at that point the payment unit of the Universal Postal Un-ion (UPU) was accepted.

1879. Bulgaria became a member of the Universal Postal Union.

1881. A Provisional Statute of the Posts and Telegraphs was approved, according to which the Postal and Telegraph Administration in the Principality of Bulgaria was the monopoly of the gov-ernment. The document examined in detail the organizational structure of the Posts and Tele-graphs, their functions and the requirements as to their employees.

1881. With a decree Prince Alexander I stated that the General Directorate of Posts and Tele-graphs should publish a monthly magazine as of the beginning of 1882. This was the first de-partmental magazine in Southeast Europe.

1882. The Rules for Costumes and Signs was approved by a decree of Prince Alexander I. A common uniform for postal and telegraph clerks was introduced.

1886. Based on a decision of the Congress of the Universal Postal Union held in Lisbon in 1885, a service for international money orders with 13 countries was established. The maximum amount of a money order was 300 francs.

1889. The National Assembly adopted the Posts and Telegraphs Act.

1894. A Rural Post Office Act was adopted, according to which it merged with the state one. According to the same Act postal agencies, located in municipal buildings, were established.

1895. The Postal Savings Bank was founded by law. During the first months of 1896 the num-ber of depositors reached 391 500.

1898. The 9th Ordinary National Assembly approved the Postal Conventions of the 5th Congress of the Universal Postal Union in Washington held in 1897, concluded between Bulgaria and the Member States of the UPU:

1905. The 13th Ordinary National Assembly adopted the Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones Act. For the first time legislation treated the Telephone Administration. Many strict punishments for violations were provided for, for example, up to 10 years imprisonment for “breaking or opening a postbox”.

1888 – 1908. Within a period of twenty years the number of offices tripled. All Administrations were developing at a quick pace.

1908. The postal automobile service was created.

1912 – 1918. Bulgaria’s participation in three consecutive wars – The Balkan Wars and World War I, disrupted the normal development of the postal institution in the country, but also showed its huge wartime significance. 

1923. The State Telegraph and Postal School was established in Sofia.

1927. Airmail was introduced, and it began to compete successfully with the telegraph. Initially an agreement for conveyance of airmail was concluded with the airline “CIDNA”, nowadays known as Air France.

1932. Tram post was organized in Sofia.

1934. A monopoly was established over the distribution of daily and periodical press, exerted by the commandite company “Strela” at the Association of Metropolitan Journalists.

1936. Telegrams of congratulation with fixed text for Name Days and New Year were intro-duced.

1942. The newly adopted Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones Act and the Postal Administration Regulations governed postal services in villages without offices. The provision of postal ser-vices was assigned to postal agents, and where it was not possible – to outsiders appointed by the mayor and in accordance with an order by the General Director of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones.

End of 1944. By Council of Ministers Decree the General Directorate of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones was placed under the authority of the Chief of Staff of the Army.
1950. The Council of Ministers adopted a Decree, according to which the distribution and dis-patch of newspapers and magazines was assigned to the Ministry of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones.

1951. By Council of Ministers Decree the Postal Savings Bank was transformed into a central deposit taking institution under the name of State Savings Bank.

1952. The Council of Ministers entrusted the Ministry of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones with the preparation, storage, distribution, sale and reporting of postage stamps and other postal securities, which by that time had been implemented by the Ministry of Finance.

1954. The State Telegraph and Postal Institute changed its name to College of Communications with a three-year course of study.

1965. A State Trading Enterprise “Bulgarian Philately” at the Ministry of Transport and Commu-nications was established for the purpose of developing Bulgarian philately.

1975. Postcodes were introduced in Bulgaria – a shortened digital address of settlements.

1992. After the split of Bulgarian Posts and Telecommunications Plc, two companies were es-tablished – Bulgarian Posts Plc and Bulgarian Telecommunications Company Plc.

1993. PostEurop, The Association of European Public Postal Operators, was established, and Bulgarian Posts became a member.

1997. Bulgarian Posts Plc was transformed into a joint stock company with more than 50 percent state participation in the capital. In accordance with an amendment to the Privatization and Post-privatization Control Act, Bulgarian Posts Plc was included in the prohibitive list for privatization of companies with more than 50 percent state participation in the capital (Bulgarian Posts Plc is a company with 100% state participation in capital).

2003. For the first time a barcode for international registered items and parcels was introduced at Bulgarian Posts Plc. A track and trace system for international and EMS items was introduced. Projects for a system for quality measurement and an integrated counter were developed in cooperation with CTT.

2004. An agreement with the Antarctic Institute was concluded for opening a temporary post office on Livingston Island in Antarctica, which works during the work of our scientific expedi-tions there.

2005. Bulgarian Posts Plc became a regular member of the EMS Cooperative, which marks the beginning of the exchange of messages for the accepted and delivered EMS items. A service for acceptance of Bulpost items at the expense of the recipient was introduced.

2006. On the eve of Bulgaria's accession to the European Union, Bulgarian Posts Plc organized an international motor rally with the participation of other postal operators, members of Pos-tEurop, titled “The Post – Ambassador of United Europe”. Three groups departed from Brus-sels, Lisbon and Tallinn, and after a total of 21 thousands of kilometres travelled, postal employ-ees from all over Europe gathered in Bulgaria to support its membership in the European Union, which became a fact in 2007.

2007. At a ceremony at the Ministry of Transport a Certificate for compliance with quality in ac-cordance with the requirements of the international and European standard БДС EN ISO 9001-2000 was officially awarded to Bulgarian Posts Plc. The introduction of the system allows Bul-garian Posts Plc to implement successfully its long-term quality policy on the Bulgarian and in-ternational postal market.

2007. On October 9th – World Post Day, in the metropolitan district “Nova Vrajdebna” the Bulgar-ian Exchange and Sorting Centre, with a unique sorting machine for reading simultaneously ad-dresses in Cyrillic and Latin, was opened.

2008. A decree of the Council of Ministers was approved with regards to the adoption of an ordinance for general rules for mutual access to the networks of the postal operators of the universal postal service or part of them.

2009. The company received the following certificate for compliance with quality - БДС EN ISO 9001-2008.

2010. Following amendments to the Postal Services Act, the state entrusted Bulgarian Posts Plc with the obligation to provide the Universal Postal Service on the territory of the whole country, including in remote areas, with a certain quality level and at accessible prices. The designated postal operator is entitled to compensation from the state budget, when the Universal Service Obligation results in net costs and represents an unfair financial burden for it.

2011. The abolishment of the state monopoly on the reserved sector (correspondence items up to 50 g) of the Universal Postal Service created conditions for full market opening of the Uni-versal Postal Service market.

2011. Bulgarian Posts’ courier service EMS/Bulpost was organized into a specialized division within the corporate structure.

2013. During the 25th Congress of the Universal Postal Union in Doha, Qatar, Bulgaria was elected member of the Council of Administration and the Postal Operations Council of the UPU.

2013. Bulgarian Posts Plc was authorized to act as an operator of food vouchers in accordance with an Order of the Ministry of Finance. 

2014. The company received a certificate for compliance with standard BS ISO/IES 27001:2013 – Information Security Management System.

2015. Bulgarian Posts Plc received a certificate for compliance with standard OHSAS 18001:2007 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
Following the receipt of the two certificates an Integrated Management System was implement-ed at the company.

2016. Bulgarian Posts’ network consisted of 2981 post offices, which cover even the most re-mote places in the country.

Having in mind the liberalized postal market and the intense competition, Bulgarian Posts Plc is increasingly looking for new market niches, extending its product portfolio, diversifying its activity in response to the growing customer requirements, improving the technologies used to support its competitiveness and prosperity.
